Dosing charts for pediatric fever and pain medicines

Download and print these dosing charts for pediatric acetaminophen and ibuprofen—and keep them wherever your store your child’s medicines.

What you can do to dose your child’s medicine correctly:

  • Always read and follow the medicine label

  • Re-read the directions before every dose; don’t try to rely on memory. As children grow, their doses change over time

  • Use the dosing device that came with the medicine. Kitchen teaspoons or other tableware are not appropriate. Tip: Keep the medicine carton so you can store the bottle and the device together

  • Wait the full amount of time between doses. Giving another dose too soon could lead to serious side effects

  • Write down all doses given — and use a medicine tracker. Share this with your child’s other caregivers so no one repeats a dose or re-doses too soon.

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